Hi All,
Apologies for the delayed blogpost. I'm feeling the pre-vacation craziness too. I hope that you all had good weekends and that you're continue to evade the germs that are circulating!
I also wanted to send a huge Thank You to you all for supporting and making Friday a success. It was lovely to circulate around the building and see you all connecting with students in new ways. Please give your feedback here.
Shout Outs
- Josh and Lucia for helping cover in Chuck's absence
- Brittany for the push to make Gifts for Giving happen and for all the support with groups and sorting!
News and Announcements
- Please welcome Robin Gannon as Annalissa's long term substitute. She will be with us 5 days a week with some modified hours. Robin has been a teacher in our district for 41 years. She comes to us with a strong desire to help kids and is already a team player. We're ironing out her schedule. Welcome Robin.
- The second round of iReady Diagnostic is coming up soon. The window is from January 6th to the 31st. Here is a link from iReady about helping kids getting ready for the diagnostic. Gearing Up for 2nd Diagnostic
- Note: We will get to do some data comparison from Fall/Winter in small and large groups in January. I'm interested to see what it looks like, I hope you are too.
I want to give a shoutout to you all for increasing the percentage of students hitting the 30min mark by 8% percent last week! We are also still seeing a high passage rate which is fantastic. Keep it up! :)
- Here is a great article about the importance of explicitly teaching Executive Functioning skills. Many of these skills directly link to our Transferable Skills district wide. Remember we can't hold kids accountable for something that we haven't explicitly taught them! I know I can find myself falling into the they should know this "by osmosis" trap with some of these skills. I have some more resources and am happy to talk about this more if you'd like.
12 Reasons to Teach Executive Functioning Skills Explicitly
Here is an explicit teaching checklist if you'd like to check it out.
- Staff Meeting:
- I will meet with the support staff first from 3:00-3:15. We will join as a group at 3:15 and then I have a few tasks for us to finish before the break.
- Please enter through the main doors of our building to the greatest extent possible. It's preserves the integrity of our emergency exits and ensures that all doors that are supposed to be lock stay that way.
- I have started to lock the door to the "attic" so that no student(s) go up there unexpectedly. This creates a massive safety hazard. Please bring your key if you need to go up there.
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