Hi Team,
What a wild 3 days of weather! Today we were without power for about 14 hours and were awoken in the night as a branch crashed through our bedroom window. We are all okay and the power is back on...so all in all, it's been an interesting day. We did get sometime outside and I was reminding myself that we are lucky to live where we do! I hope that your days were less eventful than at the Guggemos house.
The roads may be slick in the morning so please make sure to give yourself some extra time to get to school. This week will be a busy!
Staff Shoutouts
- Kirby and Lucia for stepping in to help a student inside
- Annalissa for running a strong meeting
- Lynn Wagner for sticking it out through an extra long meeting
- Intervention team for covering for a classroom on short notice
- Amber and Karen for helping with P.E. coverage
- Deb Gregoire for stopping by and sharing
- Shout out to all---Blog readership is up! Thanks for utilizing this tool as a hub. Please let me know if you have things that you'd like added.
***Don't forget to SHOUTout your colleagues--send me an email or drop a note.
News and Announcements
- Reminder: March 22nd is a Parent Teacher Conferences. This will be an inservice day for all staff who are not classroom teachers.
- Classroom Teachers: Could you take a brief moment and fill out this Curriculum Check-In.
- Thank you all for your flexibility in completing the Climate Survey during staff meeting.
- Scheduling Committee--please let me know if your interested in working on the universal schedule.
- BEST---We're hoping to have one classroom teacher join us for the BEST Institute. Here is the link to the workshops and strands offered:https://www.uvm.edu/cess/cdci/best/vtmtss-summer-institute.
- Eclipse Day---April 8th
- As Meagan noted in her email and attached newsletter April 8th will be a half day for students. If you need to take the afternoon off please put in for personal leave. If you are staying for the afternoon we will make a work plan for the afternoon.
- All staff who are working will be able to view the eclipse, either at school or by leaving early enough to watch totality.
- Budget News
- As you know, the budget has not been approved. This can be an unnerving time but we will find a path forward. I wanted to draw your attention to Meagan's email:
- Our Board will hold a Special Meeting on Monday evening. This is a short meeting, so that they can reorganize and appoint committees (recall that before the Board can do any work after town meeting elections they need to be reorganized, electing a chair and appointing committees). The Board meeting next Wednesday the 13th at 6:15 will focus almost exclusively on the budget discussion. The Board will determine when they intend to hold a budget revote; this will give us the timeline for budget development. The Board will also let the leadership know what magnitude of reductions they are asking for in the second budget. You can join this meeting in person (it's at U-32) or virtually. The Board page will have additional information, including the link to join: https://www.wcuusd.org/school-board/meeting-resources/board-meeting-resources. We will continue to communicate more about the Board's process as we move forward.
What's Happening at Berlin?
Monday **First Night of Ramadan** | 3/4 PLC 10:40-11:40 1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15 |
Tuesday | 5/6 PLC Meeting 9:45-10:45 |
Wednesday | 9:20-9:50---All School Morning Meeting K PLC Meeting 1:55-2:55 Staff Meeting at 3:10ish |
Thursday | SST Meeting 8:15-8:45 PK Meeting 11:30 |
Friday |
Where is Celia?
Monday | Student Meeting 10:00 3/4 PLC 10:40-11:40 1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15 Student Meeting 12:00 ILT Meeting 1:00 |
Tuesday | 5/6 PLC Meeting 9:45 TP Team Meeting 11:00 Susanne Gann Check In 2:15 |
Wednesday | Check In with Lucia 9:30 Meeting with Jennifer Chambers 10:30 Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15 School Board Meeting 6:15 |
Thursday | SST 8:15 Student Services Meeting 12:30 |
Friday | Meeting with Kerra 1:00