Monday, June 17, 2024


Hi All, 

 My apologies for a late blogpost! I hope your last full day was a great one. Please make sure to take care of yourself in the heat, drink lots of water and stay cool. Here's the plan for the week: 

  • Step-Up Day 9:30-10:00 **Students with multiple grades to "step up" to will go to both teachers 
  • Lunch   11:15-11:45 K-2       11:45-12:15 3-6 
  • Recess  11:15-11:45 3-6        11:45-12:15 K-2    
  • Dismissal at 12:30 
       Specials will run at their normal times. 
  • Potluck Lunch for the Path Salad Bar
  • Afternoon for grading (classroom teachers) 
  • Special educators (meetings with paras) 
  • Off for Juneteenth 
Thursday---  Reminder: I will be off campus for the Admin retreat
  • Day for professional responsibilities (room cleaning, ordering, etc.) 
  • Afternoon grading for special educators 
  • Paras you should receive a plan from Kerra Holden, there will quite a few PD sessions that are choose your own adventure and some are to get HQT status for our Title 1 school. 
  • Transition Meetings 
    • 8:30-9:15 K-1 
    • 9:15-10:00 1-2
    • 10:00-10:45 2-3
    • 10:45-11:30 3-4
    • 11:30-12:15 4-5
      • These meetings may not take that long but I wanted to make sure that you got what you needed. 
  • 9:00-10:30 Staff Closing 
  • 12:00-1:30 Lunch/Celebrations 
  • 2:00-3:30 Time at U-32

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 10 Teacher Memes to Get you to the End of Term | Teach Starter

Hi All, 

What a WILD weekend for weather! I hope that you all enjoyed your few days out of school. This past week my brother and dear friend both welcomed their second babies into the world. My new niece's name is Kaia June (Ki--ya) and Mom, baby and Dad are all doing well. I went to visit my brother and he was right next door to my friend. Nothing like two fresh babies to snuggle on a weekend. 

Somehow we have reached our LAST full week with students, it just doesn't seem possible! I'm entering the week with a giant to-do list just like you. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in the hiring teams for any of our open positions. I'm looking for participants! 

Staff Shoutout 

  • MaryBeth--what a wonderful class celebration! It was fun to see your kids so excited about the glow party. 
  • Lynn--your celebration was so joyful. It was wonderful to see so many staff and students interacting and have fun together. 
  • Christine--thanks for stepping up to help with breaks for students 
  • All staff thank you for your help in making class lists and for providing feedback  

News and Announcements

  • We will have a Fire Drill at 9:15 on Tuesday morning. The Fire Chief would like to observe the drill and will give me feedback. 
  • Field Day will be Wednesday---please double check your groups
    • We will meet in the gym at 10:00 and will break into groups and go over the morning 
    • Groups will have stations until lunch. 
    • Lunch times: 
      • 12:00-12:20   CC-PK, Kindergarten, 1st
      • 12:20-12:40    First, Second Grade, Third
      • 12:40-1:00.     4th, 5/6. 5/6
    • In the afternoon the field will be open for "Choice Time" 
    • At 2:15 we will gather as a large group for a tug of war and closing picture/meeting. 
  • At last staff meeting there was a request for the assignments for next year in writing, here they are:


Sarah Rogers


Melissa Maring


Amber Dessereau 


Michele Tourcotte 


Danny Velez


Mary Beth Downing 


Kate Rob



Lynn Wagner


Jessica Egizi


Ashlyn Smith 


Megan Mitchell 


Kim Knapp 

We are looking for people to participate in the hiring of the following positions: 
  • 5/6 Math Teacher 
  • Schoolwide Behavior Interventionist 
  • Library Media Specialist/Tech Integrationist 

  What's Happening at Berlin?


8:15---Humanity and Justice Meeting 

3/4 PLC---10:55-11:55

1/2 PLC --12:15-1:15


Fire Drill 9:15
5/6 PLC 9:50-10:50
U-32 Unity Day for 6th Grade


Field Day

Staff Meeting 3:10ish


3rd/4th Grade Field Trip

Graduation 6:00pm  


Where is Celia?


8:15--Student Meeting 

9:10:30--Goals Meetings 

3/4 PLC---10:55-11:55

1/2 PLC --12:15-1:15

12:00-1:30 Work with Ellen 

2:00-2:30 Elementary Principal's Meeting


5/6 PLC 9:50

Elementary Principal's Meeting 10:00 

Admin Meeting Zoom 12:30-1:30 

Susanne Check-In 2:15 


Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15
Staff Meeting 3:15
Board Meeting 5:30-8:00


Student Meeting 8:30
Student meeting 11:30 


Meeting with Chuck 8:15
Goals Meeting 9:15

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Hi All, 

May we all be entering these last few weeks with the joy and enthusiasm that these two toddlers had eating mac and cheese on the boat! This weekend felt like Vermont was just showing off. I hope that you all got out and enjoyed the beauty that surrounds us in whatever way makes you most happy. 

These next two weeks feel like a sprint that may or may not have many hidden obstacles. Let's roll with whatever comes our way and be flexible with one another. 


  • David and Erica---BRAVO for a wonderful night. Thank you for showcasing the hard work of all of our students. 
  • Thank you to all the teachers who were able to come and support your classes, it was a huge help! Lynn special shoutout for wrangling 3 grades up there on the top bleacher! 
  • Chuck---thanks for keeping our lawns looking top notch!
  • Deeanne and Kathy---Thanks for taking special care of our colleague 

News and Announcements 

  • Hiring Committee---I am looking for people to serve on the Hiring Committee for our Library/Tech Integrationist please let me know ASAP if this is something you are interested in. 
  • Goals Meeting---Please take some time to sign up so we can reflect on the year and your goals. 
  • Staff Meeting---we will work on class lists at staff meeting. I will then scurry out and head to a board meeting. 
  • Upcoming Events
    • June 11th is Unity/Step-UP  to U-32–Full Day 

    • Elementary play is at U-32 6/4 and 6/5 

    • Graduation 6/13 at 6:00 pm

    • Field Day/Picnic- Wednesday, June 12 ***Schedule Soon

    • June 6th- Montshire (1/2nd)

    • Spirit of Ethan Allen--June 13

    • Last day of school June 18th---12:30 dismissal

    • Inservice the 18th, 20th, 21st

 What's Happening at Berlin?


8:15---Humanity and Justice Meeting 

3/4 PLC---10:55-11:55

1/2 PLC --12:15-1:15


5/6 PLC 9:50-10:50
Play at U-32


K PLC- 1:50-2:50

Staff Meeting at 3:10 ish

Play at U-32


1/2 Field Trip---Montshire


Where is Celia?


8:15---Humanity and Justice Meeting 

9:00-10:00 Goals/Reflection Meetings

3/4 PLC---10:55-11:55

1/2 PLC --12:15-1:15


Student Meeting 8:15-9:15

5/6 PLC 9:50

Student Meeting 11:30 

Admin Meeting Zoom 12:30-1:30 


Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15
Staff Meeting 3:15
Board Meeting 5:30-8:00


Safety Team Meeting 2:00 


Meeting with Chuck 8:15
Student Meeting 10:50
Student Meeting 2:00 



Hi All,  Apologies for the delayed blogpost. I'm feeling the pre-vacation craziness too. I hope that you all had good weekends and that ...