Monday, January 29, 2024


Hi All, 

I hope that this email finds you all well and refreshed after a full weekend. I know there was a fair amount of cabin fever feeling in my household! 

FYI: There are a lot of teachers out this morning so we are going to need an all hands on deck approach today. If there's anything you can cover or step in for please let Lori or I know asap. 

Staff Shoutout

  • Lori for always finding the pieces to make the sub puzzle work
  • Doreen for stepping in to sub
  • Lisa W. for communicating clearly and learning classroom expectations 
  • Lisa A for always making her student laugh and smile  
  • Deb A and Jake for making me belly laugh last week!
  • Chess for being so flexible and helpful

News and Announcements

  • Please review the Chromebook Usage reminders from Amy Young.

    • Chromebooks are for "educational purposes" (Many students are using them for entertainment purposes. Limit screen time.)
    • Shut down and plug in each day
    • Take time to tuck cords in and wrap headphone cords up (no dragging)
    • Handle with care (two hands when possible, slow down, & be mindful)
    • No food or drink near chromebooks
    • Chromebooks on table or desk surface (not laps or floor)
    • Teachers monitor student activity when they are online 
This last one is not in the guidelines but it is good practice. Please circulate around the room or have a view of their screens. I am doing spot checks on student activity online and I am seeing lots of flags of non-education use and inappropriate searches. 
  • If you haven't gotten a chance please fill out the Drill Feedback link. We will look at these results in our District Safety Team meetings to ensure we are most prepared for the next drill. 
  • Staff Meeting this week will be nuts and bolts, a look back at the traditions protocol that we ran during our virtual PD day and mini data review. 
  • Report Cards: Please remember to have all data entered by Wednesday morning. If you are finished please let me know and I'll start spot checking. 
Professional Resources (repeat from last week) : 
  • Tips for Responding to Mid-Year Behavior---This is a quick read and filled with some great reminders! Take a peek. 
  • This is a great list of webinars that have been posted through RC. This are longer deep dives but they are a great resource if that's something you're interested in: Digital Webinars

What's Happening at Berlin?


Humanity and Justice Meeting 8:15

3/4 PLC  10:40-11:40 

1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15


5/6 PLC Meeting 9:45-10:45


K PLC Meeting 1:55-2:55

Staff Meeting at 3:10ish


SST Meeting 8:15-8:45

PK Meeting 11:30

IIW 12:30-3:30 (Interventionist out)


*Groundhog Day

Where is Celia?


Humanity and Justice Meeting 8:15

3/4 PLC  10:40-11:40 

1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15

Student Meeting 3:15-4:15 


5/6 PLC Meeting 9:45-10:45

Student Meeting 11:30-12:30 

Meeting with Kerra Holden 12:00-1:00

Educlimber Demo 


Check In with Lucia 9:30 
Meeting with Jennifer Chambers 10:00
Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15
K PLC 1:50-2:50


SST 8:15
Student Meeting 11:00 
BEA Check In 10:00 
Berlin PK Meeting 11:30 
IIW 12:30-3:30 


Sunday, January 21, 2024


Hi Team, 

I hope that you all made it through this bone-chilling weekend! We had a busy weekend and I am looking forward to the week ahead. last week was an odd 3 day week but we all got through! This week is a full one! 

Staff Shoutouts
  • Karen Chesser for helping a family get to a much needed appointment 
  • Ashlyn for finding the time to support a student 
  • Jess Egizi for being a strong student advocate 
  • Deb and Sheila for working extra hard to support our PK students last week 
  • Lucia, Betsy and Michele for working to make a student's first week with a plan a smashing success
News and Announcements 
  • Reminder: If you are interested in coming to the BEST institute please let myself, Jess Heinz or Lucia know. 
  • We will engage in our January Options Based Drill on Wednesday morning. Your script is embedded in this document linked above and below. This is the letter that will go home to families tomorrow.
  • I will come over the speaker and say: 
  • “Hello, this is _______.  Earlier this year we discussed what to do if you hear the word “Lockdown” over the intercom. Practicing this helps us all stay safe if something unexpected is happening at the school. We are going to practice that again now. In a moment you will hear the lockdown command and then you will practice doing it. Then, I will get on the intercom to let everybody know that the practice is over, using the words, “This is (admin name), ALL CLEAR”.
  • You will then say the following:
  • PreK-6

    • “Remember, our first job is to get quiet and keep voices off” (voice level zero)

    • “The second part of your job is to look at me and listen carefully for my directions.”

    • “Remember, sometimes we will go to a special place in the classroom, shut the door and turn off the lights”

    • “Other times, I might tell you that we are leaving the classroom.”

    • Now we will practice going to our indoor location and staying there with our voices off for a few minutes, until we hear Mrs. G tell us that the practice is over by saying, ALL CLEAR”

Professional Resources: 
  • Tips for Responding to Mid-Year Behavior---This is a quick read and filled with some great reminders! Take a peek. 
  • This is a great list of webinars that have been posted through RC. This are longer deep dives but they are a great resource if that's something you're interested in: Digital Webinars

What's Happening at Berlin?


Humanity and Justice Meeting 8:15

3/4 PLC  10:40-11:40 

1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15


5/6 PLC Meeting 9:45-10:45


K PLC Meeting 1:55-2:55

Drill @ 9:30 

Staff Meeting at 3:15


SST Meeting 8:15-8:45

PK Meeting 11:30


Where is Celia?


Humanity and Justice Meeting 8:15

3/4 PLC  10:40-11:40 

1/2 PLC 12:15-1:15

Check in with Meagan 2:30-3:30


Out of the Building----WCLT Meeting  


Check In with Lucia 9:30 
Meeting with Jennifer Chambers 10:00
Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15
K PLC 1:50-2:50


SST 8:15
Student Meeting 10:00 
BEA Check In 10:00 
Berlin PK Meeting 11:30 



Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15

Hi All, 

I hope that you all are enjoying this three day weekend and the, albeit cold, sunshine! I've been reflecting on the meaning of this day and made a conscious decision to be mindful of my language, pause to notice any implicit bias that showed up and address them. We also spent time as a family and did something that we are fortunate enough to be able to do, ski! 

Important Notes about Tomorrow: 
Special Weather Statement: There is an off chance that the weather will actually matriculate into some questionable road conditions. If that is the case then I will move our inservice to a virtual format. I will make this call by 7:00, since we were planning on starting at 8:30. I will send an email and am looking into if I have the capability to send you all a message via IC. Meagan last week gave each building the professional judgement to make building based decisions.  

Staff Shoutouts
Before I forget - A shout out to Ali for always being willing (even offering without being asked) to help with dismissals.  She passes out the notes, collects teacher sheets and makes sure students are headed in the right direction.

Bess -- thank you for working in an impromptu manner to support a family

Michelle T -- for being understanding and so flexible

Danny -- for your flexibility 

News and Announcements

MLK Teaching Resources

All School Morning Meeting --- this meeting will take place from 9:25=9:55. The PBIS Leadership team has some fun skits prepared. We will run the meeting like a typical morning meeting. 

Report Card Updates --- giving the glitches in IC and the challenges that they have posed we will send report cards home on the 2nd of February. Report cards will be due the 31st of January. 

Spirit Week --- You all voted to have a spirit week. Here is what the weeks look like: 
  • Sports Day---wear your favorite team, jersey, gear (leave helmets at home please) 
  • Costume Day --- no weapons 
  • Hat Day --- wear your favorite hat! 
Note: we are very close on two more celebration tubes---more to come! x
What's Happening at Berlin?


NO School




All School Meeting 9:25-9:55

Staff Meeting at 3:15

K Team Meeting 1:50-2:50 

Board Meeting 6:15 PM


SST Meeting 8:15-8:45

PK Meeting 11:30


Where is Celia?





Meeting with Jennifer Chambers 10:00


Student Meeting 8:15
SST 9:00-9:30
Meeting with Chris O'Brien 9:30
PK Meeting 11:30 


Student Meeting 9:30-10:30 
Student Support 2:30

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Hey Team, 

I hope that you all had a wonderful break. The weather was completely odd and we battled sickness but I was thankful for a slower pace and extra time with my family. I am also energized to be starting a new year with you all. We will re-center ourselves and look at the next few weeks ahead to ensure that we've got a plan to support teachers and students through this testing window. 

Staff Shoutouts

  • Karen, Jess, Lori and Doreen for all their help with the helping hands stuff. 
  • Lucia for being a rockstar and for your generous food donation and all the trips to get food. 
  • Chuck, Ali and Marcus for sprucing up our home while we were all away! 
  • Kate, Michelle M for a great conversation on how to best support a kiddo
  • Lori for organizing a fun off campus event!  
***Remember you can "shoutout" a colleague just zip me an email or drop a note and I'll make sure it gets into the blog!

News and Announcements
  • Please remember to take time to "go slow" on your first day back. All kids had varying experiences over break and it's important to do a personal check in with each kiddo. Make sure to take notice of those that may be more withdrawn. Reach out to myself, Jess or Karen if there are any issues.
  • Here is a great and quick article about welcoming students back after a holiday from Responsive Classroom: 
  • We will gather for staff meeting at 3:10 on Wednesday afternoon. 
  • I will be out and about this morning taking videos and pictures of "SEL" work live and in action in our building. On Wednesday I will be presenting to the board about how we support all students socially and emotionally here in our building. If you have any videos or pictures that you would like to send along please do so!
  • We will NOT have PLC's this week given the short week. We'll get back on track with our professional learning next week! 
What's Happening at Berlin?


NO School



Staff Meeting at 3:15

Board Meeting 6:15 PM


SST Meeting 8:15-8:45

PK Meeting 11:30


Where is Celia?



Elementary Principal's Meeting 10:00-11:00

Student Support 12:15-12:45

Out of the Building----WCLT Budget Meeting 1:00-3:30


Check In with Lucia 9:30 
Meeting with Jennifer Chambers 10:00
Principal's Meeting w/Meg 12:15


Student Support 12:15-12:45
District Safety Team Meeting 
Student Meeting 3:45-4:15


Student Meeting 9:30-10:30 
Student Support 12:15-12:45


Hi All,  Apologies for the delayed blogpost. I'm feeling the pre-vacation craziness too. I hope that you all had good weekends and that ...